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Introduction to Internet Culture

Are teens of today mindless drones or creative individuals?


For my Capstone project, I decided to research memes, trends, and what teens think about them. I chose these topics, which fall under the more broad category of internet culture, because they are so relevent and prevalent in my everyday life. 


So, what is a meme?

A meme is an element of a culture that is passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.


I use memes and follow trends in my everyday life because I think they help me express myself, all while becoming an active member in my society's culture. They're funny and often ridiculous, but they can really bring people together. 


This capstone project will consist of three moves, all of which focus on some aspect of the internet and internet culture. 


To read my entire Introduction, click here.  


Hi, I'm Ciera! I am graduating the Prairie School this year and plan on earning my nursing degree at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. I hope you enjoy this Capstone Project that I completed over the course of this past year about internet culture!

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