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Final Synthesis

In conclusion, I have found out a couple of things about my peers and internet culture. I have found that I belong to a widely accepting and very cool peer group, and that the internet is largely a force for good. To answer my final, overarching question, I believe that teens are creative individuals, not mindless drones. It is so easy for most people to just write off large groups of people as a stereotype: All teens follow trends, like memes, and enjoy using the internet. However, as I have found while completing this Capstone, this simply is not the case. I got such a wide range of answers from my peers that, to my satisfaction, have truly proved that “teens” as a group are extremely diverse and creative individuals.


I had a couple personal highs and lows while completing this Capstone project, but I did not encounter many obstacles because everyone I interviewed was very kind and patient with me, and all of the internet research I did was interesting and relatively easy to do.


What I’ve learned is relevant to me because I am interested in memes and trends, but it is also relevant to anyone who uses memes or follows trends in their everyday lives. Personally, I think it is very important to take time out of each day to find out more about things you are interested in and to do things you enjoy, simply in order to broaden your horizons and make yourself a little more knowledgeable while still having fun. So, this Capstone is worth reading for anyone who takes an interest in issues and ideas concerning the internet, memes, and trends.


To read my entire conclusion and synthesis, click here. 

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